Moorings Update HERE

January Committee Notes HERE

Spring Newsletter HERE

Dates for 2025 HERE

November Committee Notes,  Agenda’s for Jan/March HERE

August Committee Notes HERE

September Meeting Agenda HERE

Regatta News and Programme HERE

**Flood Prevention Page** HERE

June Committee Notes / August Meeting Agenda HERE

Draft AGM Papers HERE

April Committee Notes & June Agenda HERE

AGM Papers & Proxy Forms HERE

Flood Report (April 2024) HERE

AGM Notification HERE

March Committee Notes HERE

Latest Water Testing Results HERE

Spring News Letter HERE

March Committee Notes HERE

March Committee Agenda  – HERE

“NEW PAGE” – Over wintering of boats – HERE

“NEW PAGE” – Save Hayling Tip – HERE

January Committee Notes – TBC

November Committee Notes HERE

January Committee Agenda HERE

November Committee Agenda HERE

September Committee Notes HERE

August Committee Notes HERE

2023 Mooring Waiting List HERE

September Committee Agenda – HERE

Regatta Diary – HERE

Committee Note for June – HERE

Flood Zone for the Kench – HERE

Exclusion Zone in Harbour (Wave Turbine – Hidden Hazard) HERE

April Committee Notes HERE

Draft AGM Notes HERE

AGM Papers/Proxy Form HERE

January & March Committee Meeting Notes HERE


Buried Service Plan Here

New Water main (Serving 101-115) HERE

November Committee Notes HERE

Mooring Charges Plan 2023 HERE

Clean Harbour Project News Letters HERE

July – Sept Committee Notes HERE

June Committee Notes HERE

News Update from The Secretary – 23/08/2022

Dear member or friend,

A mobile phone has been found on our beach today, if it’s yours it’s at no 9.

Also I understand that next Monday’s C4 programme Despatches will cover the issue of sewage in the sea and will include reference to Langstone and Chichester Harbours.

Kind Regards,

Mark Pullen,

News Update from The Secretary – 22/08/2022

Dear member or friend,

A few updates:

The Society now has a Facebook page kindly operated by Lara Geall and Helen Hudson. If you’d like to join please find Lara or Helen on Facebook and ask to join. I’m told over 60 have already joined.

The herb garden alongside no 116 (the blue bungalow at the T junction) is available for any of your culinary masterpieces, there is even a Basil plant there at the moment (thanks Tanya).

Is this your buoy? This mooring is in the Kench and we have no record of it. If it’s yours please let Bob or me know, if no one comes forward we’ll remove it in the autumn.

Kind Regards, Mark Pullen

Regatta Programme 2022 HERE



Car Park Maps / Moorings Waiting List updated HERE

April Committee Notes HERE

Southern Water Email (Clean Harbour Project) HERE


Moorings List Updated – See email below from Bob about a new mooring  HERE

Dear All

The Harbour Board have offered the Society another prime mooring immediately in front of the beach.

 Its too late to include it in the averaging scheme for 2022 so I will be offering it to the top of the waiting list at full harbour board rates for this year (pro rata for 10 months from June to March 2023) with the prospect that it could/should be included in the averaging scheme for 2023 if we agree to extend it and subject to any yet to be discussed changes for mud moorings.

 Please shout if anyone disagrees with the plan.




Platinum Jubilee Page HERE  – (Pictures added 5/6/22)

March Committee Notes HERE

Clean Harbour Project Update HERE

2022 AGM Agenda and Accounts for 2021 HERE

2022 AGM Notice HERE

January Committee Notes HERE

November Committee Notes HERE

December High Tide Pics HERE

September Committee Notes HERE

Autumn Newsletter HERE

July Committee Notes HERE

Regatta Results HERE

Regatta Programme Added                                                         24/08/2021

Email from Southern Water (HERE)                                       24/08/2021

Meeting Notes Added (Notices)                                               25/06/2021

AGM NEWS LETTER   (HERE)                                                     17/06/2021                                                                                        

Langstone Harbour Board Plaques  (HERE)                        03/06/2021

New Page Added (Sewage Watch)                                            07/05/2021

Meeting Notes added (Notices)                                                   07/05/2021

Spring Newsletter (Chairman’s Newsletters)                     07/05/2021 

Meeting Notes added (Notices)                                                  31/01/2021

Dates for the diary updated                                                           31/01/2021

Regatta Results HERE

Message from the Secretary                                                         07/09/2020

Dear member or friend,

When we tidied up the site earlier this year a number of apparently abandoned dinghies or windsurfers were collected together in the new dinghy park behind chalet 123 by the bund. There is a Comet, a Laser, two Toppers and two windsurf boards. There are photos below. If they are yours and you want to keep them then please put your property name or number on them as required by our regulations. You might like to demonstrate your love by treating them to a trolley or cover. If you don’t want them then please scrap them or put them on Gumtree at a wonderful price and get them to someone who does. If they are still unclaimed next spring then we will scrap or sell those remaining. There is a notice on each of them warning of this fate.


Kind Regards,


Mark Pullen,



REGATTA timetable up HERE


Committee Meeting Notes – June HERE                                    06/08/2020


AGM Draft Minutes HERE                                                            05/08/2020

Costal Erosion Update HERE                                                        05/08/2020

Committee Meeting Notes – May HERE                                      05/08/2020


AGM Notice & Proxy  HERE                                                          30/05/2020

AGM News below                                                                            23/05/2020

Landscaping Pictures       HERE                                                    23/05/2020



                  AGM 2020 NEWS

Dear member or friend,

This note should probably be categorised as in the blindingly obvious category. Just to confirm, particularly in light of current guidance which, as well as requiring continued social distancing, does not allow us to travel down to the Kench to overnight there:

• The AGM has been postponed to 18th July, a notice of meeting    will be issued shortly but we will be encouraging everyone to attend via a proxy rather than in person.

•  We will not be holding a site tidy up or pot luck lunch this May Bank Holiday

• We hope to have some recent photos of the Kench posted on the website particularly so you can see the herb garden alongside the Severn’s chalet and the re-configured bund.

Please stay safe and sane

Kind Regards,

Mark Pullen,
Hayling Health Society




The committee have taken the decision to postpone the 2020 AGM following advice from the NHS and Government during the current Covid 19 situation, also the Spring clean-up and Pot Luck Lunch are postponed. A provisional date in July has been set aside. As the Covid19 Situation progresses we will alert members on when the AGM will be rescheduled.


Spring News Letter HERE



NEW PAGE – Sea Defences Page                                       05/03/2020

Latest Committee Notes added                                        05/03/2020

Regatta Prize Winners added                                          05/03/2020

NEW Pictures in Shared Spaces                                      05/03/2020


Works Notice   (Shared Spaces)                                       12/01/2020



Latest Committee Notes posted  HERE                          12 Aug 2019

AGM Draft Minutes posted  HERE                                  12 Aug 2019

Regatta Programme posted HERE                                   12 Aug 2019


Latest Committee Notes posted                                       14 July 2019

Parking Trial plans posted on Shared Spaces Page     14 July 2019

Happy Easter 2019 (From Isobel and Amber England (No 9)

Spring Newsletter (from the Chairman)          HERE              15 April 2019

DEFIB now on site with its own page                HERE             15 April 2019

New Page for all Annual General Meeting papers/notices          HERE   15 April 2019

2019 AGM Notice    HERE                                                            15 April 2019




Committee Notes for January – Now up in Notices                                                                             30 March 2019

Committee Notes for November                                                                                                                   28 Feb 2019

Now up in Notices

Autumn Newsletter                                                                                                                                                07 Nov 2018

The Chairman’s Autumn newsletter is now on the Newsletter page

Email from the Vice Chairman                                                                                                                          29 Oct 2018

The grass has started to recover from the scorching it received during the summer. I have coned and taped off an area  on the East carpark so could you please refrain from driving and or parking on the grass to the East of the cones and tape so that regeneration continues.
Please could you ensure that any visitors are aware.

Reminder                                                                                                                                                                        17 Oct 2018

Shared spaced forum on Saturday 20th at Nic Allen’s Chalet (107) 2pm – All Welcome

New Updated Data Protection Policy up on Rules, Regulations and Useful Guides page

Minutes from the August Committee Meeting now on the Notices Page

Email from The Committee Secretary                                                                                                          13 Sept 2018

The inner part of the upper green has now been roped off. We will consider re-seeding once the starlings have left! In the meantime please try to keep off it. There should be room around the outside for boats to over-winter against the warning tape and at right angles to the road. This should leave some room for parking around the edge of the green.
If you need to drive onto the green to manoeuvre your boat into place please replace the warning tape once finished. We will keep an eye on utilisation and, if necessary we’ll remove some of the telegraph poles along the edge of the lower green so boats can over-winter there as well. I’ll send another email if/when this occurs. If Parking gets difficult on the upper green please also use the parking to the east (“car park” on attached map) and the strip to the east of the road up from the east gate (“main road” on attached map).

On a totally different subject, of you have any photos of the regatta that you are happy to share please pass them to Louise Cooper-Gamson, or if you email them to me I’ll pass them on. Whilst on the topic of regatta, if you’ve gained a pair of red Crocs that don’t belong to you Sarah Benson would welcome their return

Email from The Committee Secretary                                                                                                         10 Sept 2018

Nic and Joanna have asked me to tell you that the 15th September meeting is postponed until Saturday 20th October, 2pm at No 107 and apologise for having to make this change.

Email from Regatta Organisers                                                                                                                        26 Aug 2018

Dear All.
Because of the weather: Races on the Green and Prize giving are postponed until tomorrow.

The Christmas Party will go ahead tonight at 20.00 as planned
So the programme for tomorrow is:
09.00 Outboard Race Entries in today please to no 31
10.00 Races on the Green
12.00 Prize Giving
14.00 Boxing Day Sale, a pursuit race
This means, unfortunately, that the Raft Race is cancelled.
Best Ho Ho of yesterday, entrant in the motor boat time trial “Merry” Chris Moss.

Email from Regatta Organisers                                                                                                                      25 Aug 2018

Dear All,
Because of the likely weather on Sunday the organisers are making the following changes in order to try not to cancel anything.
Kayaks and Paddleboards will now start 10 minutes after hold back the tide finishes.
Fancy Dress will be an hour later than programme at 12.30 in the marquee.
Outboard race will now be at 14.00 on Monday but entries please still on Sunday to no 31.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Yo Ho Ho Ho HO

Email from the Secretary – regarding building work                                                                                20 Aug 2018

Building works. Earlier this summer there were instances of building works causing nuisance usually through noise and/ or large numbers of white vans parked thoughtlessly. Historically we have sought to limit exterior works during the peak summer season but we have learned that interior works also generate disturbance and that jobs always seem to take longer than expected. We have therefore decided to be more restrictive in future on work during June, July and August. Therefore the committee have agreed a re-wording of the regulation but the key part is now “Building works likely to cause disturbance will not normally be permitted during the months of June, July and August.”

Shared Spaces Project page updated – Forum dates for Sept/Oct                                              18 Aug 2018
Events page renamed Dates for Diary & updated with 2019 dates                                           17 Aug 2018
Chairman’s Newsletters Page created (moved from Notices)                                                      17 Aug 2018
Rules & Regulations Page created (moved from Notices)                                                                17 Aug 2018
New Regatta Page with current year programme                                                                                 30 July 2018
Water Mains Map (For Clarity) in Notices                                                                                                 06 July 2018
Latest Committee Meeting Notes in Notices                                                                                           29 June 2018
Draft AGM notes in Notices                                                                                                                               24 June 2018
Content added to Regatta/Historial pages                                                                                                24 June 2018
Content added to Historical/Regatta pages                                                                                              12 June 2018
New Process for transferring ownership in Notices                                                                            12 June 2018
New Shares Transfer Form (J10) in Notices                                                                                             12 June 2018
New Pages added for Regatta Pics and Historical documents                                                      28  May 2018
2018 notification of AGM                                                                                                                                      04 Apr 2018
Chairman’s Spring Newsletter now in Notices                                                                                          04 Apr 2018
Latest Committee Meeting Notes in Notices                                                                                             24 Mar 2018
Latest Committee Minutes Notes in Notices                                                                                              02 Feb 2018
Chairman’s Autumn Newsletter now in Notices                                                                                     22 Sept 2017