Latest News – From Mark Pullen
The Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership (ESCP) as part of Havant Borough Council (HBC), are developing a Coastal Management Strategy, which aims to sustainably manage coastal flooding and erosion around Hayling Island for the next 100 years.
The ESCP, HBC’s coastal engineers, are a team of Local Authority officers working together to manage the coastal flood and erosion risk to the Havant, Gosport, Fareham and Portsmouth coastline. To help us develop this Strategy we have commissioned engineering consultants AECOM to work in conjunction with us.
The project team have been successful in securing £410,000 of funding in total to deliver the Coastal Management Strategy for Hayling Island. This funding has been secured from both the Environment Agency (EA) from Government Grant in Aid and HBC from Community Infrastructure Levy.
The aim of the strategy is to:
- Develop strategic coastal management options for Hayling Island for the next 100 years
- Outline a programme of investment to reduce the risk of coastal flooding and erosion to people living on the island
- Identify the potential funding sources and partners required to deliver that investment programme and be open and honest about where funding is likely to be a challenge
- Incorporate adaptation strategies, as defence improvements will not be possible in all locations
- Be holistic, yet flexible for both people and nature
- Respond to future changes, support sustainable development on the island and take into account predicted sea level rise and climate change
- Make a partnership approach central, between HBC, EA, Natural England (NE), Landowners, businesses and local communities, making sure local needs and priorities are at its core.
Stakeholder involvement will be integral to the success of the Coastal Management Strategy. We are therefore, currently in the process of identifying key stakeholders and stakeholder groups with an interest in the future management of Hayling Islands coast, who would like to be involved in developing the Strategy. As a key stakeholder, you will have a unique view on the use, development and protection of the strategy area which will be valuable to help steer the strategy.
During the strategy we will be holding several key stakeholder workshops (virtual and hopefully face to face) to give you an opportunity to find out more and actively feed into the Strategy as it develops. As such, we will shortly be holding a ‘virtual introduction to the strategy’, a chance to learn more about the project and meet the project team. The Strategy introduction session will take place on Wednesday 19th August from 17.00 – 17.30. If you are interested in attending, please respond to this email to receive a formal meeting invite and instructions to join. If you are unable to join the virtual meeting, and would still like to be involved, please let us know. We will record the first session for those unable to attend and will make it available on the project webpage in due course.
This week we have updated our webpage with the latest information on the Strategy, including an interactive story map where you can find out more about coastal management on Hayling Island and the effects of climate change. Please visit our webpage at:
To help us understand your views on coastal flood and erosion risk on the island, please take part in the project questionnaire. The survey will close on Sunday 6th September.
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.
Many thanks.
Kind regards,
Adam Sennitt (BA (Hons), MSc, MCIWEM)
Coastal Engineer | Project Manager – Hayling Island Coastal Management Strategy
Eastern Solent Coastal Partnership, Havant Borough Council, Southmoor Offices, PO91QH
Dear members and friends,
For those of you who live away from the Kench you may be unaware that the West Beach at Hayling is eroding rapidly following the removal of some of the sea defences there (see photo below) and the plan is to remove the remaining wooden sea defences that can be seen in the picture.

This has been exacerbated by the two recent storms. Hayling residents have started a petition to the Borough Council requesting fast action. Details can be found at:
The picture above is part of a presentation given to the Hayling Island Residents Association last year and so is months, at least, old. If anyone wants a copy of the full presentation, which was given by the ESCP which is responsible for sea defences in our part of the world please let me know and I’ll send it to you.
Kind Regards,
Mark Pullen,
Hayling Health Society
Walking Footage from The Ferry Boat Inn to Solatron Sailing Club
to Solatron Sailing Club
Dave Shepard is a Hayling Resident and filmed this in February and gives us permission to share the footage
(c) David Shepard
Facebook Link –
YouTube Link-
Flood Risk – The Kench
Heights shown in red are less than 3.0 metres aod (above ordinance datum) which corresponds to a tide height of 5.7m.
FLOOD Report (April 2024)